The Super Teacher

Choosing the Teaching Style to match

Students' Learning Styles






Learning Style Analysis


Prof. Barbara Prashnig

Reach ALL of your students... discovering how to teach in a matching style.

  The most important questions first:

How can the knowledge about student learning styles make lessons more successful?

A learning style is the way a person, no matter the age, concentrates on new and/or difficult information, takes it in, processes it and stores it. Everyone has a unique learning style.

When students know their learning preferences and they match with their general learning conditions, they become their strengths. Academic performance improves and leads to lasting learning success. Each learning style is unique.

There are no "good" or "bad" learning styles. But unfortunately there are too often situations where learning styles do not match teaching methods or learning techniques. If this goes on for longer time periods, it leads to frustration, learning problems and - in the worst case - to school failure.

Can learning and concentration problems be solved in a short time?

Yes, especially when students know their own personal learning style and are allowed to learn according to their learning preferences - at home AND at school. A clear improvement of their school performance is then already recognizable after three weeks, often to the great astonishment of all concerned!

Is it possible to recognize Learning Styles of an entire class at a glance?

To shorten the interpretation time of LSA single profiles, Group Profiles allow a quick overview of the learning styles of all students in a class without a lot of reading effort. This eliminates the need to deal with individual profiles - these are only needed when individual learning problems occur.

Group profiles are the most reliable source of information for student-centered/personalized teaching - a kind of 'pedagogical secret weapon' that always leads to better discipline and lasting learning success.

Is there a way to better involve parents in school learning?

Yes, because each LSA profile consists of a student, teacher and parent version.

The Parent Version gives concrete advice on how to support learning at home. As a result, educators and parents have a better foundation for talking about the actual learning needs of each student and can work together more successfully. The result is always an improved school performance!

Why is the use of LSA instruments particularly successful in problem schools?

The use of our Learning Style Approach to problem schools has proven to be extremely helpful worldwide to combat and eliminate discipline issues, learning disabilities, exam failures, lack of motivation, truancy, and dropping out of school. As incredible as it sounds, this individualized learning approach turns underachievers into active students with new enjoyment of learning, motivation and good grades.

I describe many of these examples in my books, but a story of success that I find particularly impressive is the one from Forbury Primary School in New Zealand, as improvements in all areas could be observed after a few months.

More information in this 8-minute video:

Products and Services

LSA Student Profile 

The very detailed learning profiles are age-appropriate from 5 to 18+, differentiated into LSA Mini, Junior, Senior, Swift, and Adult versions. The result - a personalized report in three versions - can be downloaded in 20 sec after completion of the online questionnaire.

LSA Group Profile

Group profiles are free and can be created from a minimum of 5 student profiles. This way it is possible to see at one glance, which learning preferences the school class or learning group has, what to avoid and which challenges the teacher could expect.

Teaching Style Analysis (TSA)

Every educator has his or her own teaching style and instruction methods. The key to optimal teaching success is to discover strategies matching students' learning needs and use them for preparation, in daily class work and student management.

Book "The Power Of Diversity"

Designed as an easy-to-read workbook, this book introduces the concept of learning styles and explains the important part these styles play in the new learning revolution in education, business and sport. There are also examples from schools and educational institutions around the world that have adopted Barbara's work, and the results of their efforts to incorporate diverse learning styles are discussed.

School Packages

3 different types:

  • Primary/Elementary School Package
  • Secondary/High School Package
  • Tertiary/College package

One School Package is enough to test one class and its teachers. It consists of 30 Learning Style Analysis (LSA) profiles and 2 Teaching Style Analysis (TSA) profiles plus unlimited free Group Profiles.

e.g. for elementary/primary schools:
     30 LSA Mini student profiles
       2 TSA profiles for teachers

Training incl. Certification

All our training programmes are based on people's individual learning needs which are determined by using our personal LSA and TSA instruments.
We deliver the highest levels of quality by using accelerated, holistic learning methods, the latest in educational technologies, and creative, lively presentation styles.



It can take a long time to figure out if this solution is right for you, if it will really help you. If you do not start, if you do not inform yourself you will never know....

UNDERACHIEVEMENT - The Unnecessary Disease

Download the free eBook and see how these tools effectively and successfully assist you in teaching.

What successful users say:









Special offer for getting to know our instruments:

Contact me if you want to test these instruments for your class. You will get a starter set of 5 LSA Student Profiles and 1 Group Profile. After the test, you can ask me questions if you want to know more.

Auckland, New Zealand, Home of the Learning Style Analysis (LSA)

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Why Barbara Prashnig?

There are countless education experts, why should you choose me as your companion?


Due to my many years of international experience in the field of teaching and training, I can help you improving classroom discipline and reducing your school stress. With the knowledge of learning diversity you will make your lessons successful again and regain the joy of teaching. That's why you and I went into teaching in the first place.


Already during my 17 years as a teacher at different schools and as a professor at the Pedagogical Academy in Klagenfurt, Austria, I dealt intensively with the topic "learning". I looked for solutions how it might be possible for ALL students to take on new and especially difficult, complex learning content. Pupils did not come into the world with a reluctance to learn - quite on the contrary! They are like a sponge and inquisitively suck up everything. Even before entering school, children had generally learned to speak, made experiences playfully, learned in their natural environment - and then at school, learning should suddenly stop working at all?

Especially after emigrating to New Zealand with my family, my teaching experience at the University of Auckland made it clear to me that there are too many students who are intelligent but have huge difficulties learning in class and studying at home.

That's why I started looking for effective teaching and successful learning methods. It was the exciting time of the new, brain-based, accelerated learning in the late '80s in the US. There I discovered a completely new system for a world of individual learning based on personal learning styles. That was a real eye-opener for me as a traditionally trained teacher.

I attended courses in New York, tried these new methods based on style analysis software with success in New Zealand, then completed and developed it for international use. In the process, additional learning style elements that are important during the learning processes have been added. With my team in New Zealand, I developed Internet software for assessment instruments to identify Learning, Working and Teaching Styles. These are now available online in ten different languages. This has led to success in countless schools in more than 30 countries, supported by my books on learning styles and their practical applications.

For more than 20 years, I have held training seminars and worked with educators in many different cultures - from the Arab world to European countries, from the United States to Australia and the Far East. Learning style projects have been launched in Canada, the US, the UK, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Australia, and it seems that educators everywhere are willing to accept learning diversity in their student groups. I discovered that certain learning style features are universal and the "diversity concept" is understood and applicable everywhere, as it is about people of all ages, engaged in learning.


I was once in your situation


I, too, had painfully learned what it's like to be in front of a class, not knowing what to do, because no method was right, teaching was impossible and discipline problems got out of hand. You have probably also visited many training events, always in the hope of finding solutions to all educational problems and obtaining patent recipes to solve learning difficulties. But how much of it was successful and sustainable?

I also know what it's like to have a child who is intelligent but does not really want to learn at school, even though she could. I had not understood that my daughter learns completely different from me and therefore needed a completely different learning support. I responded - as most parents probably do, with frustration, anger and despair.

What particularly affected me was the fact that as a trained, quasi 'overqualified' teacher of compulsory education and a professor at a teacher training institution, I did not know any solution at that point how to help her. Although I was always very successful in my own teaching in different age groups, I did not understand the learning behavior of my daughter and could therefore not help her.

The salvation came only after she did the Learning Style Analysis when she was seventeen. The insights from this short assessment were real eye-openers: I began to understand why she wanted to learn in such a 'peculiar way' (lying on the floor with the dog and the cat in the middle of the mess in her room, listening to loud music and constantly nibbling), which of course, previously I did not allow her. This new understanding and thus the acceptance of her individual learning methods led to better school grades and ultimately to a successful graduation.

Whether you have problems with students or your own children, the Learning Style Analysis will always help!


How I can support you

The creation of a Learning Style Analysis (LSA) is very easy: the online questionnaire can be answered in about 20 minutes and the finished LSA profile can then be downloaded within a few seconds as a PDF file. The detailed descriptions in the profile report are easy to understand and are complemented by colourful, clear graphics. This goes for both, individual and group profiles.

Another help is the LSA Interpretation Guide which contains many more practical tips. This does not require any further guidance, but because I like to work with educators to share my personal experiences, I also offer LSA introduction workshops and the three-day LSA Certification
. However, these are onlyavailable as an in-school training event. If you are interested in such a training, please send me an inquiry to my personal e-mail address: dhQXBBQXBBc2BgQXBR4YHxEFAg8aEwVYFRkb@nospam

I would be delighted!

My promise to you:


After reading the first LSA profiles, you will be able to look at your students with different eyes and choose your teaching methods much more consciously. This immediately brings the first successes in discipline and learning motivation!

But after a learning styles training, your overall attitude about learning and teaching will change significantly - not overnight. But very soon, the constant application of new teaching methods adapted to the actual learning needs of your students will bring serious success. This will also increase the enjoyment of working with your classes. I know what I'm talking about - I've experienced these success stories countless times!

Here you can read about the success stories of teachers at various schools around the world:

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