School Packages
School packages for elementary schools
A school package is enough to test a class and their teachers. It consists of LSA (Learning Style Analysis) and TSA-Ed profiles (Teaching Style Analysis) as well as unlimited free Group Profiles.
- 30 LSA-Mini Student Profiles
- 2 TSA-Ed Teaching Style Analysis Profiles
- Bonus: Unlimited Group Profiles
Recommended additional items to buy with any School Package:
- LSA Interpretation Manual
- Pocket PAL book (B.Prashnig: "Learning Styles and Personalized Teaching")
- LSIA book (B. Prashnig: "Learning Styles in Action")
- LSA Pyramid Poster
School Packages for Middle Schools & High Schools
A School Package is enough to test a class and their teachers. It consists of LSA (Learning Style Analysis) and TSA-Ed profiles (LessonStyle Analysis) as well as unlimited free group profiles.
- 30 LSA-Swift Student Profiles
- 2 TSA-Ed Teaching Style Analysis Profiles
- Bonus: Unlimited Group Profiles
Recommended additional items to buy with any School Package:
- LSA Interpretation Manual
- Pocket PAL book (B.Prashnig: "Learning Styles and Personalized Teaching")
- LSIA book (B. Prashnig: "Learning Styles in Action")
- LSA Pyramid Poster
School Packages for Technical Colleges & Universities
A school package is enough to test a course group and its tutors. It consists of LSA (Learning Style Analysis) and TSA-Ed profiles (Teaching Style Analysis) as well as unlimited free group profiles.
- 30 LSA-Adult Profiles
- 2 TSA-Ed Teaching Style Analysis Profiles
- Bonus: Unlimited Group Profiles
Recommended additional items to buy with any School Package:
- LSA Interpretation Manual
- Pocket PAL book (B.Prashnig: "Learning Styles and Personalized Teaching")
- LSIA book (B. Prashnig: "Learning Styles in Action")