LSA-Junior Complete


is an online analysis instrument for:

  • pupils aged 7 - 13 years,
  • mature middle school students who have good reading skills,
  • particularly suitable for those who can concentrate well when reading.

The LSA-Junior Complete consists of Student, Parent and Teacher Versions!

It starts with the online questionnaire 

Even when completing the online questionnaire, pupils become aware for the first time, how they actually learn best when dealing with new and/or difficult material. 

Questionnaire Abstract 

The example shows excerpts from the online questionnaire and the end of the survey.

After clicking on 'Finish' the final image to download the LSA profile will appear within a few seconds.

The most reliable results you get when you tell your child that this is not is a test in the traditional sense, that there are no ’right‘ or ‘wrong’ answers and no ‘failing’. Avoid definitely giving predefined answers or watch your child over the shoulder when answering the questions. Otherwise the result would be falsified because children under supervision provide answers according to the expectations of the parents.

Have confidence - children know quite well how they learn best!

One online questionnaire - three versions:

  • Student Version (addressed to the student)
  • Parent Version (addressed to parents or guardians)
  • Teacher Version (addressed to the teacher of the student) 

The LSA-Junior consists of:

One up to 15 pages long ‘Personal Report’ with learning recommendations, graphs and charts. There is also an overview, called ‘Profile Summary’ which describes the most important elements of your child's individual learning style.

Recommendations and information you will find in the Parent Version:

  • the best way to communicate with your child
  • how your child can best take in new and/or difficult information
  • setting up the optimal learning area at home
  • how you can increase your child's motivation to learn
  • additional important about information about:
  •   signs of giftedness
  •   warning signs of underachievement
  •   safety on the Internet
  •   attitudes towards authority figures

The Teacher-Version contains:

  • Information from the Student Report
  • the best way to communicate with the student
  • advice to individual motivation promotion
  • information, in which classroom set-up he/she learns best
  • recommendations for avoiding discipline problems with your child
  • strategies to prevent truancy
  • tips for effective classroom management
  • personalized lesson planning

What your child receives in the Student Version: 

  • Description of the 4 aspects of the learning environment which can drastically lead to deterioration of school performance, or - when changed, may lead to learning success.
  • The 3 unique physical combinations the brain needs to function optimally.
  • At least 6 attitudes that may be supporting or obstructing learning.
  • The 3 best strategies how to succeed in a learning group or to learn better alone
  • 10 recommendations on how your child can take in information and instructions best.

What does an LSA Profile look like?

LSA-Junior Complete

Available in: English, German, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Spanish, Turkish, Russian

With detailed information about the learning needs of children aged 7 - 13 years

BONUS: Parents & Teacher Versions  

What does the Learning Style Analysis offer me?

LSA reveals ... your child's individual personal learning style combinations.

LSA shows ... how the learning environment should be redesigned in order to achieve better results.

LSA provides ... guidelines to help your child concentrate better and learn most successfully.

Finally the LSA profile also tells you how similar - or completely different to your own learning style your child's natural learning style needs are.

If you have several children at home, all school-aged siblings should do an LS Analysis and a comparison of profiles will show how different the natural learning needs of your children generally are.

So do not expect that:

  • your children have the same learning style like you,
  • children learn as obediently as you instruct them,
  • all siblings can learn successfully in the same manner.

Trust your children - they know best how they want to learn. 

Allow them to learn in their own way according to the recommendations in the LSA Profile...

 ... and you'll be amazed how quickly they will experience learning success!

LSA-Junior Complete

Available in: English, German, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Spanish, Turkish, Russian

With detailed information about the learning needs of children aged 7 - 13 years

BONUS: Parents & Teacher Versions  
