Complimentary Ebook

"UNDERACHIEVEMENT - The Unnecessary Disease“       

Now you can download my new e-book completely free of charge and see how these online tools can successfully support you in teaching.

This e-book is for educators who want to find out how to teach more effectively so they won't waste time on expensive trial-and-error techniques or invest in so called “progressive” teaching methods mostly following the ‘one-fits-all’ approach which often show disappointing results. It gives surprising insights into the 10 False Beliefs about Learning and Teaching and describes the 8 strong needs in drop-out students.

With our LSA instruments, knowledge of learning styles and new learning strategies underachievement is a thing of the past. Teaching becomes meaningful and highly successful again with our TSA (Teaching Style Analysis) instrument. 

Enjoy reading, safe time and experience long-lasting learning success for your students of all ages!

Kind regards

Barbara Prashnig


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